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IRAN - Mt. SABALAN (4811m) North Face - ski
21.03.2014 19:00 | 2778x


Lyžovanie severnej steny Sabalanu, 4811m, tretieho najvyžšieho kopca v Iráne, sa nám podarilo v marci 2014, za zlého počasia a nedostatku snehu. Na vrchole sme pátrali po vrchole v hmle, silnom vetre a snežení. Behali sme po kraji krátera ako zajace a pokúšali sa najsť najvyžší bod. Bol som tam s Michal Honko, Martin Ondreáš, Rasťo Hatiar and Miro Chalupka. Pri lyžovaní sme dva krát znášali lyže.

In March 2014 I succeeded in skiing down the North Face of Sabalan (4811m), third highest peak of Iran. The conditions were traditionally bad. Strong wing, snowing and fog, what makes it difficult to even locate the highest point at the edge of the summit crater. I was there with Michal Honko, Martin Ondreáš, Rasťo Hatiar and Miro Chalupka. On the way down we had to put down skis twice, due to bad snow conditions.

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